
promise me

Joke Laureyns & Kwint Manshoven
laGeste (kabinet k + les ballets C de la B) & hetpaleis

Rebels in power promise me is a deliciously brutal ode to the headstrong child.

De Standaard

‘Watch out!’, you think during the equally dangerous and beautiful dance piece promise me

Knack Focus

promise me: ballet of the longhaired untamed

Het Nieuwsblad

info production


Ode to recklessness in times of absolute safety obsession. No, that’s the wrong word, recklessness. What it is then? Drive, glow. Yes, you need to use your body sparingly, but do you also need to use life sparingly?

from: Ode to my scars, a plea for recklessness
David Van Reybrouck in ‘de correspondent’

A relentlessly physical and fiery show in the sign of bravado, guts but also vitality and revolt.
A celebration of the untamed, the reckless, the brave - in times when most people want to insure themselves, preferably against everything.
A flirt with danger, an ode to unbridled curiosity.

promise me is about letting go of control and taking risks.
About embracing the explosive forces inherent in life.
About scars and the stories they leave on our skin.

However battered we come out of the battle, it’s worthwhile to do something you’ve never done before and never dared to do.

Again, Thomas Devos will be in charge of the live music. Thomas has worked with kabinet k before for raw (2013) and horses (2016). He challenges the dancers to leave their fear behind and throw themselves into the arena with pure lust for life.



choreography Joke laureyns & Kwint manshoven
composition & live music Thomas Devos
with Ido Batash, Ilena Deboeverie,Téa Mahaux, Zélie Mahaux, Kwint Manshoven, Juliette Spildooren en Lili Van den Bruel
stage design Kwint Manshoven & Dirk de Hooghe
dramaturgy Mieke Versyp & Koen Haagdorens
light design Dirk de Hooghe
sound engineering Karel Marynissen or Pieter Kint
costumes Valerie Le Roy
production management Marieke Cardinaels
touring Helena Elshout / laGeste
photography Kurt Van der Elst

laGeste (kabinet k + les ballets C de la B) & hetpaleis
many thanks to les ballets C de la B
with the support of the Flemish government, the city of Ghent & the Tax Shelter of the Belgian federal government via Casa Kafka

calender (57)


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duration 1 hour
no language

on tour
If you want to programme this performance, contact



in the press


Promise me tears conventions to shreds, individuals to pieces, taboos into strips and neat dance steps into fragments. They dare.This performance drops splintered beauty at your feet and moves you by placing an uninhibited little girl next to a strongman and by transforming girls with blonde angel hair into fierce revolutionaries. This is a wow-turn in the oeuvre of kabinet k and a message to the dance world: to take children seriously as fully-fledged performers who are capable of much more than performing in creations about 'their world'. Kabinet k uses the young soul to make a strong statement, together with and equal to older souls: cherish together the fearlessness in the pursuit of happiness.

Promise me is not only an ode to our inner rebel in a fearful society that swears by control and security. It is also about stubbornly standing up for something. Pushing your boundaries. Going against the flow. And trusting that if you almost hit a wall with your eyes closed, there will always be someone to protect you. It makes promise me a beautiful antidote for these times.

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Here you will find additional information about the performance:

Programme of promise me

interview with Joke Laureyns about promise me