
Kwint Manshoven

Kwint Manshoven (1971) is a choreographer and dancer, with a background in design. Together with Joke Laureyns, he is the founder and inspirer of the company kabinet k.

Since 2002, they have created a series of performances together under the wings of some larger theatre houses that have not gone unnoticed: Dreams have laces (Fabuleus), Shelter (Kopergietery), Martha, Marthe (Kopergietery) and Questo Ricordo (CC Hasselt).
Since 2008, they have been building up an oeuvre of performances for a wide audience with Einzelgänger (-), unfold, i see you, zwaluwzang, rauw and ba(b)bel. Unfold and raw are selected for the Theaterfestival and mark an international breakthrough.
In 2016, kabinet k starts a structural collaboration with hetpaleis (Antwerp). This will lead to the production of horses (2016), invisible (2018), as long as we are playing (2019, co-production with LOD muziektheater) and promise me (2021). promise me is the culmination of 20 years of work and life under the name kabinet k.

The oeuvre speaks in its own way about physicality, about dance, about human relationships. The performances occupy a unique place in the landscape of the performing arts because of the persistent search for an alternative, a utopia, by confronting silence with a world full of propositions. Their dance idiom is contemplative, minimalist and expressive on the one hand, and on the other hand, it tilts towards raw, brutal and exuberant energy. Their work can best be described in dual terms: there are children and there are adult dancers, it is intensely physical and still, it places horror opposite beauty, it seeks simplicity and is complex, it is playful and dark at the same time, and it has a light weight.

In 2022, kabinet will merge with les ballets C de la B to form laGeste. From his experience as a dancer and choreographer with a great sensitivity for the synergy between various forms of physicality, Kwint Manshoven took for a short while the role of coordinator of the inclusive work.
Due to a difference in vision, it was determined that the previously implemented merger was not yielding the predetermined results. In the interest of both parties, it has been decided to remove kabinet k from the merger in order to continue on an independent basis.
kabinet k opts for a future in which makers Kwint Manshoven and Joke Laureyns can devote themselves to their own autonomous artistic practice. From now on, their activities can be followed on

update: 02/2024

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© Kurt Van der Elst