

Lisi Estaras | Pierre Muylle

"Really hats off for the brilliant performance yesterday, was really overwhelmed. So innovative and strong on several levels! Integer dynamics between the 3 actors, combination of interesting interpretation about outsider art and crazy stuff with a strong sauce of social criticism. Crazy wild and intimate integrity right after each other."

P. Vanhecke

With Crudo three individual artists decide to engage in a common search for their place in the art world. In this quest, they collide with terms, wrestle with history and search for a common language.

info production


CRUDO is the collaboration between dancer-choreographer Lisi Estaras, art brut curator Pierre Muylle and visual artist Klaus Compagnie, with a studio in the Zandberg.

What connects them: their interest in art brut or outsider art. Which is the name used to refer to art by people who do not consider themselves artists, art by people with mental disabilities, psychiatric patients, hermits, eccentrics, obsessive collectors, etc.
The term raises many questions. Who defines this position as outsider or insider? Why is it important to create a separate category for people with (mental) disabilities or neurodiverse artists? They are usually referred to as enthusiasts who make obsessive work but with no intention of recognition.

Their work stems from necessity and intuition, without references or frameworks and is considered authentic and spontaneous. But isn't the same true of, say, Van Gogh? In reality, it is always someone other than the artist who labels the work, speaks about it. The artist-with-a-disability is rarely at the forefront.

begins as a lecture but turns into a performance that seeks equivalence. Perhaps Pierre is extremely skilled at danser brut? Or is something visually stimulating happening when Lisi links her monkey mind of thoughts skipping back and forth with drawing? Or is it hilariously enlightening to hear Klaus give an account of the weather and the 'dancer' of the news by which he refers to VRT newsreader Hanne De Coutere?

How refreshing is it to engage as an outsider, unencumbered by rules, history, procedures. Lisi, Pierre and Klaus rehash dance, language and drawing, into a playful and colourful new world.



concept & direction Lisi Estaras, Pierre Muylle
Lisi Estaras, Pierre Muylle, Klaus Compagnie
light design Helmut Van den Meersschaut
sounddesign & soundscape Damien Magnette
costume design Ellen Kromhout
dramaturge Hildegard De Vuyst
touring Sepehr Sharifzadeh (laGeste)

production laGeste
supported by
City of Ghent, the flemish authorities, the Belgian Federal Government's Tax Shelter measure through Flanders Tax Shelter

calender (7)


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when 20.12.2024 at 20.00 | 21.12.2024 at 16.00 | 22.12.2024 at 16.00

Also to be seen in double bill with The Refectory
20.12.2024 The Refectory at 18.00 + Crudo at 20.00
The Refectory at 14.30 + Crudo at 16.00
The Refectory at 14.30 + Crudo at 16.00

where Bijlokesite Gent
The Refectory in the Abdijrefter of the museum STAM
Crudo in the Anatomisch Theater of Muziekcentrum De Bijloke

duration The Refectory 45 minutes en Crudo 50 minutes

tickets ticket sale via Muziekcentrum De Bijloke
Crudo €12
The Refectory + Crudo €18

langue Dutch
Anatomical Theatre of Muziekcentrum De Bijloke is not accessible by wheelchair

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29.08.2024 premiere | 30.08.24 | 31.08.24 at 20.30 at Cirque - Kask as part of Bijloke Wonderland
langue Dutch
duration 50 minutes
Cirque is not accessible by wheelchair

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on tour If you want to programme this performance, contact



