Andrew Graham
"My practice allows me to question my own understanding of 'invitation',
in other words to understand the different ways I can relate
to each person. It is about working on the basis of trust and choice,
based on the needs of each individual. My aim is always to provide access
to my way of working, which is abstract, existential, physical, multiple and
deeply relational. It is expressed in working out practical and poetic movements,
as well as body-to-body relationships."
For eleven years, Andrew Graham lived in London, where he worked with renowned artists and companies, including Joan Jonas, Tino Seghal, Simon Forti, Mike Kelley, Xavier Leroy, Rosemary Butcher, Aurelia Thiérrée and Victoria Chaplin. In 2013, he joined Candoco Dance Company where he danced pieces by Trisha Brown, Rachid Ouramdane, Hetain Patel, Thomas Hauert, Alexander Whitley and Jerome Bel.
Throughout his career, he has choreographed solo performances QUASI (2010) and #BOOMERANG (2019), and collective works IN ONE BREATH (2009), TIME MASSAGE (2017), SACRE XXL (2019), SUBLIME.É (2020). He also co-created LE PAYS OU TOUT EST A TENDRE AU SERIEUX (2019) with Virginie Combet, presented at the Center Pompidou in Paris.
In 2019, Andrew staged a performance of The Rite of Spring for the Festival de Marseille as part of Alain Platel’s project Sacre XXL. He founded the company L’AUTRE MAISON in 2019 in Marseille, devoted to inclusive choreography. In the same year he was invited by the Russian director Vera Martynov to co-create the video installation OMORFOI and the design for an exhibition of 18th century Russian ceramics for the Hermitage Foundation in Moscow and Hanoi. In October 2020, the Biennale Manifesta13 invited him to develop a programme of inclusive activities as part of AOZIZ, a network of “houses of inclusion” based in Marseille. In 2022 he created a new show for L’Autre Maison, Parade, which premiered in June 2022 at the Marseille Festival.
His choreographic work creates a space for physical encounters by taking the language of inclusion and applying it to the material world. His work is practice-centred and focuses on interpersonal connections.
L'Autre Maison is a new company based in Marseille. Open to all, it sets out to combat social exclusion in the cultural sector. It creates the right conditions for greater diversity in the arts, which in turn affects how, by whom, with whom and for whom creative work is done. In a culture of opposition and confrontation (normal versus marginal, disabled versus non-disabled, amateur versus professional), our vision is for a space where differences intertwine, generating bonds that are strengthened by diversity and complexity. Body-centred artistic practices lie at the heart of the L’autre Maison project, the aim being to foster new intercultural encounters and to create a space where differences can come together and generate alternative ways of being together. We work with wordless abstraction, which body and movement make possible in order to transform the rhetoric of inclusion into something concrete, practice-oriented and experiential. L’Autre Maison rests on three pillars: the production of performances; independent training; and cultural initiatives in specialist centres.
The company was founded in September 2019 by Andrew Graham and Marion Di Majo. It relies on Andrew Graham’s long-standing expertise in broadening participation in the arts, and is working with both professionals and non-professionals. It comprises twenty-seven disabled and non-disabled dancers of different ages and with different experiences of dance.
L’Autre Maison is an inclusive space for the practice of dance where people have the opportunity to interact creatively. Within this space, each individual explores the possibilities of movement and finds ways of existing through movement. Facilitated by the choreographer Andrew Graham, they work together to develop a practice and a choreographic language specific to their own bodies.