


laGeste, created from the merger of les ballets C de la B and kabinet k, started in January 2023.
Due to a difference in vision, it was determined that the previously implemented merger was not yielding the predetermined results. In the interest of both parties, it has been decided to remove kabinet k from the merger in order to continue on an independent basis.
laGeste continues to operate under the artistic direction of Hildegard De Vuyst and the business direction of Herwig Onghena.

Read more about laGeste >

You can find all our projects via the links below:
- creations >
- residenties >
- workshops >

les ballets C de la B


les ballets C de la B has ceased her operations on 31 December 2022. Her rich past will continue to be supported by laGeste.
On the website of les ballets C de la B you can find all the information of the past years. If you cannot find what you are looking for, you can always contact us at

Visit the website of les ballets C de la B via the link below: