
Inclusive Workshop #2

Tijen Lawton

info production


For series 2, we are working with Tijen Lawton. She intends to start from her rich practice as a performer (with Pierre Droulers, Needcompany, Claudio Bernardo, Mauro Paccagnella, Marco Torrice, and others. )

"My unending hunger as a professional dancer & performer to continuously learn and share my knowledge with others is my motivation. My body's desire and need for constant challenge, confrontation and the search for intelligent thinking to nourish every layer of my emotional and physical body."

For this physical workshop at laGeste, she starts from senses and sensibility, where she herself gets her mustard as a dancer. She likes to explore the senses with a mixability group and navigate through all of them with everyone, no matter how different everyone is. Of necessity, this will also mean that some senses will be more or less accessible. Yet for Tijen, this is not an obstacle, just a surplus. If you can't see, how do you deal with that non-seeing? What does it provide in terms of extra or different information? Next, she wants to connect different sensory imput and explore what this complex combination projects as an image? Is it an emotion? A story? An image? What does it tell? And about whom?



The workshops are in the hands of several dancers and choreographers with an inclusive practice: Fanny Vandesande, Tijen Lawton, Lisi Estaras, Kwint Manshoven, Seppe Baeyens, Charlotte Goesaert, Arno Ferrera & Gilles Polet, Saïd Gharbi, Anouk Llaurens.



when serie 2 from 19 November 2022 till 17 December 2022
where Atelier laGeste | Nieuwevaart 118 / S007, 9000 Ghent (free of charge)
accessibility The studio is wheelchair accessible.



