
laGeste choir in action

Within GIF (Ghent International Festival), performance artist Brian Lobel and soprano Gweneth-Ann Rand will perform 24 Italian Songs & Arias at De Vooruit on 5 & 6 April at 20.30.
This in collaboration for this Belgian premiere with the laGeste choir directed by Steven Prengels.

24 Italian Songs and Arias is a hilarious opera recital to celebrate failure.
Performance artist Brian Lobel failed to get into the New York State Choir. (Acclaimed) Soprano Gweneth-Ann Rand (4.48 Psychosis, Royal Opera House; Aida, English National Opera) failed to win at Cardiff Singer of the World. These two magnificent failures have joined forces to create a show about trying your best, aiming to please and how we ever know if we are ‘good enough’.

read more about the laGeste choir >

Practical info
when 5 and 6 April 2024 at 20.30
where Lullyzaal in Opera Ballet Vlaanderen

Tickets via

published on: 21.03.24